Nintendo, Please Rerelease The Gamecube Controller!
Considering Gamecube backwards compatibility, combined with Virtual console games, and now actual Wii games like Super Smash Bros. Brawl, the necessity of this controller becomes undeniable.
Right now, my Wii is standing upright on the floor with its back flaps popped off so I can run Gamecube controllers out of it. Why? Because I happen to still play many of my Gamecube games and I have Virtual console games that require it. And now I have Super Smash Bros. Brawl which allows you to opt for that controller as well. Most people who've played Melee previously are going to prefer using the Gamecube controller because that's what they're familiar with and who can blame them? I'm certainly one of them.
But it's just really stupid. The Wii was designed to be as inconspicous as possible: the nice clean appearance, the wireless controllers that are designed to look like remotes, it's tiny size... but you can forget that when you've got wires shooting out the top of it and Wavebird receivers perched there as well. It's a mess. And you can't ever have them fit comfortably because, depending on how you prop your Wii, the wires are either coming out the top or the side.
So you're probably wondering why I say rerelease this thing if it's causing so much trouble? Redesign it! The flap that covers the ports on the side can be turned into a flat wireless receiver for redesigned rumble-enabled Wavebirds. Not a bad idea in my opinion.
And the Gamecube is just a better controller for a lot of games -the Wii Remote does not have enough buttons. The Gamecube controller had a great organic and ergonomic design to it that could easily be reimagined for the Wii. Heck, forget the ports on the side and just give us a Wii controller designed like a Gamecube one!
Will Nintendo do any of this? Maybe, but probably not. The focus is of course on casual games and the Wii Remote was designed not to intimidate non-gamers and lapsed gamers. Nintendo wants us to primarily use the Wii Remote. Even all the peripherals and other controllers for the Wii still manage to incorporate the Remote.
But I say give me my controller. The Gamecube controller. And stop making me buy nunchuk attachments.
Have you had this problem or are you satisfied with the Wii Remote and Classic Controller add-on?
I only like the Wii remote because it doesn't have a lot of buttons and it doesn't confuse me as much (it still does a little, i've thrown my bowling ball backwards 100 times).
But this is coming from a girl who still plays Atari. :)
Oh and also, I love the names for our blogs that you made in your links section.
I stick with Mario Party on N64.
I guess that might make me a bit of a loser.
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