Sunday, April 20, 2008

Animal Crossing Diary

Flower Fest in Animal Crossing Over, My Garden Begins to Bloom
Up until recently, gardening was one aspect of Animal Crossing: Wild World I took zero interest in. Now my special breeds are starting to appear: pink roses, pansies, and cosmos, and I'm sorry I've missed out up to this point. 

My friend Stephen, "Barina Boxkid", tried very hard to breed flowers and beautify his town in Animal Crossing a few months ago in an effort to attain the golden watercan. If you've played Animal Crossing: Wild World, you know what I'm referring to –maybe. Barina would spend hours every day for weeks watering his flowers in the game for this purpose. One time I stole one of his Jacob's Ladders and he freaked out. 

In Animal Crossing I've traditionally enjoyed fishing and bug catching, talking to my neighbors and designing clothing –and that's been about it. But now I've started to enjoy gardening too. Maybe it's because it's Spring, but I really think the concept of it just intimidated me before. 

A week ago the Flower Fest ended in Animal Crossing. It was a week-long event where I compete with my furry neighbors to see who can maintain the best garden in our town, Nor' Tit. Unfortunately I lost to Bill (a duck in my town), but it got me started on growing flowers for once and, for the time being, I'm not looking back.

Now I actually understand how to arrange the flowers in order for them to breed properly, and I'm having a lot of fun with it. 

In the past week, my first un-Nook-purchasable flower breeds have begun to appear -all pink- and it's always a joy to wake up and visit my town to see what new colors have sprung forth.

Have any of you spent time with the flower breeding component to Wild World? What types of flowers have you bred?

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