Thursday, April 17, 2008

Show and Tell

Shakespeare Book Jacket Designs
 I've been overwhelmed with finals as the semester winds to a close, but check out what's come out of it for my graphic design course!

This has nothing to do with Nintendo, but I hope you'll find it interesting nonetheless. I designed these book jackets for a graphic design course I'm in, and I think they came out stunning. Not to brag or anything, I'm just really pleased with them. 

The assignment was to design a book jacket –I decided to do a series of Shakespeare plays. Here's the three I created: one for Hamlet, one for Julius Caesar, and one for Macbeth. Everything except for the typeface (Edwardian Medium) was done entirely by yours truly. 

Tell me what you think!


samm said...

I love it. Fantastic. You are very good. See you in class. Keep up the good work.

Kathryn said...

These are amazing! I'm very impressed! If they ever find their way to purchasable copies of Shakespeare's plays, I would definitely want a copy of each! WOW! =)

Noelle said...

These are really cool.
I have the boring covered ones, but if these were printed, I'd so tape them over my copies. HAHA.

Brittany said...

Those are amazing.

Can I get one? Haha

samm said...

I still think they're great. How about some new postings? How many surveys are completed?