Friday, May 16, 2008


Hey everyone:

in case you're wondering what I've been up to, I'll have a new blog up soon. It'll be more focused on artwork and I'll show off things I've been working on and talk about different things that inspire me and whatnot. 

As for this blog, i probably will not be updating it. I'll still talk about video games occasionally on my new blog, but there are plenty of sites around for news, great reviews, and insight. For now, I've said the things I want to say and I'd rather not regurgitate what other sites are saying. For Nintendo stuff, be sure to check out my links in the panel on the right. 

Stay tuned! Thanks everybody!



samm said...

I'm looking forward to reading your new blog. Sounds like a great idea. Please keep me posted.

Noelle said...

can't wait for the new blog!
i love your artwork.

I still want your shakespeare covers so I can tape them over mine. I'm super serious. Haha.

dustin nguyen said...

Hey Jesse ,thanks for the kind words on my blog man. Hope you have a great time creating art as well, also, you can keep me up to date on my deviant site on my blog as well. it's just easier for me to get back to people there.

many thanks,

Noelle said...

hey where are you?

i played mario kart on the wii, and you probably would have died at how awful i was!

hope you're doing splendid!